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Cinthia Almeida Consultoria de Marketing Pessoal, Personal Branding e Marca Pessoal
Personal Marketing

Full-service, one-on-one consultancy on how to utilize and manage YOUR Personal Brand and Personal Marketing. We’ll cover Identity, Self-image, and How to position and communicate your strategies. It’s a deep study of how you want to be recognized in today’s market. Clarity, consistency and relevance are keys.


A complete journey plan will be designed so you can strategically stand out. Delivered in an in-depth report, laying out your career / personal plan.

If you…
  • Are in a new phase in life and want to best position yourself.
  • Were laid off and seeking a new job opportunity.
  • Desire a different role with your current employer.
  • Are aiming for a job promotion and want to stand out.
  • Are starting a new career and desire a Personal Brand boost.
  • Decided on a career change and want to build your case.
  • Are an entrepreneur wanting to leverage your business with a strong Personal Brand.




Our meetings will be online (virtual) or in-person, 8 weeks sessions, 1 hour each, covering exclusive, personalized methods towards your objective as a client. Phases include:

Identity: who you are, what you’ve accomplished and what you want to achieve.

Image Evaluation: analysis of how you’ve been recognized in your market by social groups and in social media.

Brand Positioning: mapping process to highlight your strengths and learning how to differentiate yourself.

Personal Marketing Plan: your strategies and action plan aligned with your goal.

Follow up: After 60 days, we’ll assess your journey and any need for refinement. Additional, existing content is fine.

Delivery: Personal Marketing strategic report, with action plan and all sessions held.

© 2024 Cinthia Almeida Personal Marketing Consultancy 

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